David Lane (1938-2007) var en amerikansk vitmaktanhängare. Han var med grundade den nazistiska organisationen The order, vilket det svenska Vitt ariskt motstånd inspirerades av. Organisationens syfte var att försvara den vita ariska rasen och den var grovt antisemitisk då man skulle svära att bekämpa judarna när man invigdes. Lane var väldigt inspirerad av den nazityska ideologin och var även medlem av Ku klux klan och han blev också organisatör för KKK i Denver. Han drev också sitt bokförlag 14 word press.
Efter att FBI fått en medlem att bli informatör så greps flera medlemmar och då bland annat Lane. 30 december 1985 dömdes nio av organisationens medlemmar och ytterligare tolv medlemmar erkände brott. Lane dömdes sammanlagt till hundranittio års fängelse för bland annat mordet på den judiske radiomannen Alan Berg 1984. Under en andra rättegång där de försökte döma medlemmarna för merea brott så var Lane sin egen advokat och under slutpläderingen höll han sitt eget anförande och det är under denna som han uttalade de fjorton orden för första gången. Denna rättegång kom till att kallas ”The Fort Smith sedition trial”.
”We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children” eller på svenska ”Vi måste säkra existensen av vårt folk och en framtid för våra vita barn” blev en väldigt populär fras bland den nazistiska rörelsen i inte bara USA utan till viss del också bland den europeiska extremhöger också. Extremhögern har under alla år hävdat att det pågår ett utrotningskrig mot de vita och för att då rädda rasen måste de vita föda mera barn. Det är också ifrån detta resonemang extremhögern får sitt motstånd mot abort ifrån. Idag förvaltar bland annat Nordiska motståndsrörelsen Lanes ideologiska arv.
Vid flera tillfällen har också Sverigedemokrater uttalat sig liknande som Lane och hans fjorton ord fast med andra ord, men ändå med samma andemening. Tar upp två exempel här och det är det första är ifrån Kent Ekeroth och ett stycke från ett inlägg på hans blogg nionde mars 2009.
Det behövs incitament, eller snarare möjligheter, för folk att skaffa barn.[…]Vi behöver rikta ekonomiska incitament för att få den svenska delen av befolkningen att föda barn
Det andra exemplet är från i april i år (2020) alltså mycket nyare och är ifrån riksdagsledmaoten Roger Richthoff. Han skrev på sitt Twitter dessa ord
Att värna den svenska folkstammen och vårt fantastiska kulturarv borde vara en av de viktigaste uppgifterna för våra folkvalda
Hela David Lanes slutplädering lät så här
From the era of Plato, Socrates, and Cato to that of DaVinci and Michelangelo, to Locke and Shakespeare, to Jefferson and Franklin, Western civilization has sprung from the creative genius of one kindred people.
In the vast panorama of time this period was but a fleeting moment and a glorious dream. The near future will show what manner of civilization will follow the passing of the White man. How sad and ironic that the American republic, which was formed exclusively for the preservation and promotion of Western man, became the vehicle through which he was destroyed both here and in his European homeland.
For many years I have struggled in whatever ways were available to a single powerless person to crack the iron media curtain and show my people that those very things which are protected, promoted, and forced upon us by those who today control the affairs of the Western world have destroyed every civilization we have ever built. I refer to such things as infanticide through abortion, a practice which has led to the murder of fifteen million babies of my kith and kin, and which is protected by the government and the Federal courts; homosexuality, whose adherents are forced upon us as role models and even teachers of our children by the government and Federal courts; and worst of all, the deliberate destruction of our very racial existence.
Those who have set out to mix and destroy the last remnant of Western man know full well that no people can continue in existence without a nation of their own in which to propagate, protect, and promote their own kind. They also know that a people who are not convinced of their own uniqueness and value will perish, and that is why I am slandered and destroyed when I show that nearly every improvement in the human condition has come from the fertile mind of Western man.
The White man is now a tiny minority in the world, yet he is denied not only a nation of his own but the integrity of the territorial imperative necessary to his survival. The guilt of those who partake in the destruction of this Race of men cannot be adequately described in the vocabulary of mortals. Regarding the prosecutors in this case, I say only that if the perpetuation of power is predicated on perjury, then the U. S. Attorneys are as solid as the Rock of Gibraltar. But if nature”s laws allow for the concepts of justice or karmic debt, then they walk on quicksand.
That this trial even occurred is a violation of every Constitutional protection against double jeopardy. The legalistic machinations and chicanery involved in jeopardizing a man for potentially unlimited times for the same offense, by changing the legal description of that offense, by changing jurisdictions and so on are utterly repugnant to the sense of Anglo-Saxon justice as well as totally contrary both to the spirit and the intent of the Constitution. The mad frenzy of those who now control the Federal government of the United States to punish and destroy any White man who resists the deliberate admixture and murder of his rapidly disappearing Race is evident.
History predicts unspeakable horror for the last generation of White children, if I and others who shall come after me are not more successful in awakening our people from their sleep of death. Our task is as simple as it is overwhelmingly important: WE MUST SECURE THE EXISTENCE OF OUR PEOPLE AND A FUTURE FOR WHITE CHILDREN! In the face of that overriding historical imperative, what you do to me does not matter. I am not a brave man; I die the thousand deaths of the philosopher instead of the single death of the soldier. But I willingly sought this destiny, and I will not shrink from it.
Soon you will hear from another who will undoubtedly speak of his religious beliefs. Perhaps even at this late date, the power of a religious creed can save Western man, or perhaps Divine Providence will indeed lend a hand. If not, then those who rebel against tyranny must still accept the consequences with a shrug, or they are neither patriots nor men.
I say no more….